Louis Mariano

Residential and commercial real estate broker

Louis has been working in the service industry since 2008. The years passed in the culinary world has helped him bring professionalism and finesse to the table. He has a deep desire to make others happy, which always leaves him wanting to be of service, Always making sure that satisfaction and fulfillment are at the heart of every transaction, Louis has always had an eye for quality, which brings a unique and professional approach to all who get to work with him. Analysis and information are some of his favorite things to decipher, this helps him strive to set a standard for customer care. Louis has been told he is a natural born leader, who uses charisma, empathy, and love to successfully transact through life. Grateful to be part of such a wonderful team at Berkshire Hathaway, he intends on making the future for his business and himself that much better.

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